Üniversiteler 2020-2021 akademik eğitim öğretim yıl açılış törenlerine başladı. İstanbul’da 20 yıldır eğitim veren bir vakıf üniversitesi, pandemi nedeniyle online olarak gerçekleştirdiği akademik yıl açılış törenini ünlü yazar Pankaj Mishra ile gerçekleşti.
#Sabancı ÜniversitesiTürkiye’de bugüne dek pek tanınmayan Çin kökenli Kanadalı yazar Madeleine Thien’den geleceğe kalacak, müthiş bir roman: ‘Bundan Sonra Her Şey Biziz’. Mao’nun Çin’ine ve Kültür Devrimi’ne farklı bir perspektiften bakan, üzerinden silindir gibi geçilen klasik müzik sanatçılarının dramını tartışmaya açan romanı, yazarından dinledik...
# Madeleine ThienNobelli yazar Orhan Pamuk, "From the Ruins of Empire: The Intellectuals who Remade Asia" kitabıyla tanınan yazar Pankaj Mishra'ya bir röportaj verdi. ABD'nin önde gelen liberal siyaset ve sanat dergilerinden The New Republic'te yayımlanan röportajda Pamuk romanlarından günlük hayatına, Türkiye'deki siyasi durumdan Gezi Parkı olaylarına birçok konuda konuştu.
#Başbakan ErdoğanKATHIMERINI - The New Acropolis Museum opened in Athens on Sunday to visitors eager to explore its vast collection of sculptures and museum holds more than 4,000 ancient works, including the best surviving classical sculptures that once adorned the Acropolis.
İZMİR - Led by an art historian, a team including a material expert, a chemist, an architect and a renovation expert will restore the ramparts of Kadifekale Castle. The renovation project, which is expected to last a year because of the detailed work, will be opened to bid.
ISTANBUL -Practically everybody in Istanbul at one time or another passes through the narrow arches of the aqueduct built over 1,600 years ago by the Byzantine Emperor Valens. Built in the latter half of the fourth century AD The Valens Aqueduct, or the Bozdoğan Aqueduct in Turkish was a main source of fresh water for the city
The death toll in a massive Australian bushfire rose to 93 on Sunday, making it the deadliest bushfire in Australian history, Reuters reported police as saying. Police warn that arsonsists responsible for starting the devastating fires could be charged with murder. (UPDATED)
ISTANBUL - The German, Austrian and Swiss export credit agencies declared they have suspended financing of the Ilısu Dam project in southeastern Anatolia as Turkey has failed fulfill the criteria conditional to the release of credits, the Anatolia News Agency reported Tuesday
FETHIYE - As the construction of the reservoir and the hydroelectric dam on the Dalaman River are soon to be completed, the face of the area will be changed forever. It will prevent flooding as well as the electric production, while it may effect the environment in a negative way.