Milyonlarca kişinin hafızalarında yer eden ünlü oyuncu, son bir yıldır ardı ardına skandal iddialarla gündeme geliyor. Üstelik bu iddialar, eşini başka kadınlara gönderdiği cinsel içerikli mesajlardan rol arkadaşıyla yaşadığı ileri sürülen kaçamağa, şiddet fantezilerinden tecavüze kadar geniş bir yelpazede uzanıyor. Bütün bunların sonucunda da ünlü oyuncu, önceden anlaşması yapılan projelerden birer birer çıkarılıyor.
#Armie HammerMonday, May 3, is "World Press Freedom Day," an occasion that deserves notice. I am writing on the morning of May 1, an occasion that a few blocks from my house will soon transform into a test of wills over freedom of expression. So let me deal with both dates.
ISTANBUL - Theater Company’s new play ’And God Said’ speaks beyond language and culture. It takes place in a timeless, unfamiliar location. It is set in a moment of post-apocalyptic doom, where an unnamed and completely devastating catastrophe has done away with the ability to communicate by erasing all sense of meaning, memory and time
ANTALYA - Saint Paul Cultural Center is a multi-faceted community center that serves both foreigners and Turkish residents living in the city. Besides offering religious services to all those who want to participate, the center also holds English conversation groups, which offer the chance to practice one's English with native speakers and has a library of 2.500 books. "Whether Catholic or Orthodox, everyone from all nationalities and backgrounds is welcome to our center," says one founder