O Hollywood'un en mütevazı ve iyi kalpli ünlülerinden biri olarak biliniyor... Metroda yaşlılara yer veriyor, filminin kamera arkası ekibine milyon dolarlık hediyeler alıyor, set çalışanlarının ağır ekipmanlarını taşımalarına yardım ediyor, hayranlarının ricasını kıramayıp onların düğününe sürpriz konuk oluyor. Kimi zaman da uçakta kendisini tanıyan küçük bir hayranının gönlünü yapmak için onunla saatlerce sohbet ediyor.
#Keanu ReevesISTANBUL - The relationship between South Africa and Turkey is "sound," but could be enhanced, said South African Ambassador to Turkey Tebogo Seokolo, who urged the continuation of efforts to encourage business and tourism between the two countries.
Our friend Suleyman Demirkan informed us about a book that writes about Turkey's regrettable situation in the United States. The book was published by Ercument Kilic, who has been living in this country for 30 years and chaired organizations founded by Turkish citizens.
Whatever the Kasikci Diamond represents to Turkey and history at large, so does the Topkapı Palace Library known for its collection of worldly precious manuscripts. The number one Istanbul Regional committee of Culture and Natural Preservation, an affiliation of the Ministry of Culture, called for the “collection of all the books contained inside the library; it will be made into a mosque”. The most precious manuscript masterpieces in Turkey are currently hidden in the depths of the Topkapi Palace Library, which is renowned for being one of the most significant centres of manuscripts worldwide.