Kitapları 20’den fazla dile çevrilmekle kalmadı, Washington Post, Amazon ve San Francisco Chronicle gibi birçok yayın tarafından yılın en iyilerinden biri olarak gösterildi. Jeff Vandermeer bunlarla kalmadı; yazarlık kampı olan Shared Worlds’ü de kurdu. Son ‘kıyağı’, yazar olmak isteyenler için püf noktaları, röportaj ve çeşitli yazarların denemelerini içeren bir ‘Harikalar Kitabı’ yazmak oldu. ‘Harikalar Kitabı’, kitap yazım süreciyle ilgili pratik bilgileri eğlenceli resimlerle anlatıyor.
#Jeff VandermeerThe Israeli military has carried out more than 700 strikes since it launched a massive offensive on Hamas a week ago, killing at least 435 Palestinians, while the US gave Israel free rein over whether to send ground troops into Gaza.
I always remember when former Prime Minister Turgut Ozal addressed the people of Diyarbakir 20 years ago, urging them to hold on tightly to their relations with God. In those days, arguments over supra and sub identity had not yet made their way into the public forum. But that day in Diyarbakir, Turgut Ozal's words seemed strange to me. Growing up, I had always learned that mixing politics and religion was very wrong.