Pandemi koşulları altında büyümeye devam eden ve ekim ayında da 90 bin seviyesinin üzerinde bir satış adedi yakalanan otomotiv pazarında 2020 sonu beklentiler 800 bin adedin üzerinde. 1.2 milyar dolar toplam yatırım yapılan Egea’yı makyajlayarak yeni Cross modelini de aileye ekleyen Tofaş’ın CEO’su Cengiz Eroldu, 2015’teki 1 milyonluk otomotiv pazarının yakın gelecekte yeniden yakalayabilecek potansiyelin mevcut olduğunu vurguladı.
#GazetehaberleriToyota, bir ilke imza atarak dünyanın ilk 'interaktif showroom’unu Türkiye’de kullanıma sunuyor. Sanal ve gerçek dünyayı birleştirerek ileri teknolojiyi uygulayan şirket, böylece showroomu müşterilerinin ayağına götürüyor.
#Toyota Avrupa Kıdemli Proje Müdürü Serkan KaramanİZMİR - One of the biggest open-air museums in the world, the ancient city of Ephesus may break its visitor record this year, according to Selçuk’s local administrator, who thinks that there are some signs promising that kind of success. The target is to better last year’s 2 million tourists
ISTANBUL - Meeting in Istanbul ahead of the G-20 summit on the global economic crisis, Turkish representatives agree that a new global economic order is dawning, and it must be one that lends greater voice to developing nations. A businessman proposes trade embargoes against protectionists, while an economist says the ’liberal dogma’ that reigned for years is over
ISTANBUL - A crowd of mostly Americans, and four Canadians, one Finnish, one Japanese and one Turk gather in Istanbul's largest Irish Pub to watch the biggest event of the American sports calendar: the Super Bowl XLII. As the NFL Championship game ends in a dramatic finish for the Pittsburgh Steelers, denying crowd favorite the Arizona Cardinals a surprising win, some hail the game as the 'Best Super Bowl ever.'
NEWDELHI- India, which once enjoyed a highly confident mood, is currently feeling the pains of an extremely distressed and insecure environment due to a series of incidents including the deadly Mumbai attacks and a corporate scandal. This risky mood could last for a longer time, argue experts
ISTANBUL - A normal day for Andrea Mugge may be challenging and full of unforeseen events. “In the hotel business, flexibility is the most important motto every day. I enjoy that aspect very much. Despite all planning, however, a lot of unforeseen and interesting things can happen,” she says.
''Of course I knew when the troops would withdraw. But every phase of the operation can't be shared with public'', Turkish President Abdullah Gul answered the journalists' questions about the unexpected withdrawal of operating Turkish troops in N.Iraq, at the Esenboga Airport in Ankara before his departure for Romania.
Turkey and the U.S. rejected on Saturday Washington’s any influence in the decision to pull out the troops from Iraq following a week-long cross-border operation against outlawed PKK separatists. But Turkish newspapers noted the unexpected withdrawal came a day after U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates' brief trip to Ankara and Bush's call called for a short and carefully targeted operation.(UPDATED)