Karsu Dönmez kimdir sorusu birçok müziksever tarafından sorgulanan isimlerin başında yer almaya başladı. Türk kökenli şarkıcı, piyanist, besteci, söz yazarı ve aranjör olan Karsu Dönmez, yaptığı beste ve şarkılarla dinleyicilerini etkilemeye devam ediyor. Peki, Karsu Dönmez kimdir? Kaç yaşındadır?
#Karsu DönmezDaha 8 yaşındayken inat etti, ailesine piyano aldırdı. Çocukken başlayan bu müzik sevdası, ona uluslararası alanda büyük başarılar getirdi; Amerika’nın ünlü konser salonu Carnegie Hall’de konserler verdi, 22 yaşında hayatı belgesel oldu... Hatay’ın Karsu köyünden Hollanda’ya giden bir işçi ailesinin kızı olan Karsu Dönmez’den başarı hikâyesini dinledik.
ISTANBUL - As the United Kingdom does not officially recognize Armenian genocide claims, historian Ara Sarafian has questioned why the London-based institute he heads would lie in a recent edition of a book that appears to back those claims. The Gomidas Institute has recently edited a new version of a book first published in 1916 that deals with the 1915 killing of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.
SIVAS - Sivas, a small city in Central Anatolia, is polishing its image with the success of the local football club in this year’s Turkish Super League. Whether or not Sivasspor hoists the cup this weekend, many say Sivas can still claim victory for shedding its nationalistic reputation and giving people a reason to talk about the city other than the 1993 Madımak massacre
After my article was published yesterday Ahmet Davutoğlu, chief advisor of the prime ministry, called to say he wants some corrections to be made. I wrote that word "was out" about Davutoğlu. During his trip to Washington before Obama’s visit to Ankara, he exhibited behavior that increased Americans’ expectations about the readiness to open the border.
No... No... I am not joining the campaign of a group of intellectuals who have taken a "collective individual decision" to apologize to the Armenians for the 1915-1917 events in which immense tragedies were lived not only by Armenians but by all ethnic groups of Anatolia. I am not going to engage in a campaign of denial either, with claims that Armenians were killed but so were others and turn a blind soul to the massive human tragedies of that period.
I'll start by giving you a short reminder of what I wrote yesterday. I claimed that our daily life was gradually being Islamized and shared some of my observations with you. The increasing prevalence of the trend to match the tone and stress accent of Koran reciters in our daily speech, the heavy language increasingly filled with Arabic words… The habit of referring to the Koran while making a statement…
I'll start by giving you a short reminder of what I wrote yesterday. I claimed that our daily life was gradually being Islamized and shared some of my observations with you. The increasing prevalence of the trend to match the tone and stress accent of Koran reciters in our daily speech, the heavy language increasingly filled with Arabic words. The habit of referring to the Koran while making a statement.