Gezi eylemleri döneminde gecelerini ve gündüzlerini parkta geçiren gençlerin, yanlarında anne-babaları ya da büyükanneleri, en korktukları anları, en güldükleri sloganları, anladıklarını ve anlamadıklarını anlattıkları Ben Bir Slogan Buldum: Annem Benim Yanımda / I’ve Found a Slogan: My Mother is With Me, 13. !f İstanbul Uluslararası Bağımsız Filmler Festivali, Ev bölümünde seyirciyle buluşuyor.
#İ Have Found A Slogan"Foreign ministers are not, as a rule, the principal architects of foreign policy but they are, frequently, the principal foreign policy advisers in relation to the governmental decision process, hence strategically placed for exercising influence over that process."
ADANA - The ’I give my word covenant’ is a public campaign demanding promises from mayoral candidates to care for the rights of animals and take their well being into consideration. Animal rights foundations say they will not vote for candidates who do not sign their pledge. Roughly 200 candidates have signed on to the pledge
It was the usual scene for a ceremonial day in Bodrum: Formalities were first observed at the Atatürk statue, with speeches made before the marching bands and a school folklore group in full costume led all the participants up to the harbor square. There they watched the children's folklore dances before descending on the food and goods on sale at the fundraising tables run by enthusiastic volunteers.
Russian voters will hand Dmitry Medvedev victory in a one-sided presidential election on Sunday, a choice that should ensure his mentor President Vladimir Putin stays on as the power behind the throne. The Kremlin's opponents say voters have been denied a real choice because the biggest television stations slant their coverage in Medvedev's favour while election officials have barred some opposition challengers from running.