Başbakan Tayyip Erdoğan’ın Türkiye’deki gelişmeleri anlatırken, ‘Avrupa’da bir ülkede 100 şube açacak’ dediği banka patronu Ferit Şahenk çıktı. Garanti Bankası ile 1998 yılından bu yana Romanya’da faaliyet gösteren Şahenk, bu ülkedeki hedeflerinin yaygınlaşmak olduğunu söyleyince Başbakan Erdoğan, bundan duyduğu memnuniyeti katıldığı TV programında dile getirdi.
NICOSIA - Greek Cyprus' former president who brought a deadlock to the hopes of reunification after rallying Greek Cypriots to reject a UN peace deal, dies of lung cancer. The 74-year-old Papadopoulos, a longtime chain smoker, was hospitalized last month with severe breathing problems
REYKJAVIK - Iceland marks the 90th anniversary of its declaratign of autonomy from Denmark with a deteriorating economy and fading confidence in government. Many Icelanders, longing for more security, cling to the idea of accession to EU and adoption of the euro as a panacea for the ills of the country
REYKJAVIK - Iceland marks the 90th anniversary of its declaratign of autonomy from Denmark with a deteriorating economy and fading confidence in government. Many Icelanders, longing for more security, cling to the idea of accession to EU and adoption of the euro as a panacea for the ills of the country
WASHINGTON - Leaders of G-20 countries meet to discuss how to deal with the financial crisis that is shaking the globe. The Saturday meeting urges a 'broader policy response,'implying that further interest rate cuts by central banks and stimulus packages by governments might be in the pipeline.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Sunday called for billions of dollars in extra funding for the International Monetary Fund to prop up struggling economies, while Premier Wen Jiabao said maintaining China's strong domestic growth was his top priority.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Sunday called for billions of dollars in extra funding for the International Monetary Fund to prop up struggling economies, while Premier Wen Jiabao said maintaining China's strong domestic growth was his top priority.