Economist Impact’in yayınladığı dünyanın ilk Sağlık Kapsayıcılık Endeksi, ülkelerin sağlık okuryazarlığından erişilebilirliğe kadar birçok konuda karnesini ortaya koydu. Haleon’un desteğiyle hazırlanan ve 40 ülkenin yer aldığı endekste Türkiye’nin genel notu ‘orta’ oldu. Tüm dünyada 170 milyar poundluk büyüklüğe sahip tüketici sağlığı alanında Türkiye’nin gitmesi gereken uzun bir yol var.
#Sponsorlu İçerikEconomist Impact’in yayınladığı dünyanın ilk Sağlık Kapsayıcılık Endeksi, ülkelerin sağlık okuryazarlığından erişilebilirliğe kadar birçok konuda karnesini ortaya koydu. Haleon’un desteğiyle hazırlanan ve 40 ülkenin yer aldığı endekste Türkiye’nin genel notu ‘orta’ oldu. Tüm dünyada 170 milyar poundluk büyüklüğe sahip tüketici sağlığı alanında Türkiye’nin gitmesi gereken uzun bir yol var.
#Economist ImpactISTANBUL - As the Central Bank hints that the latest interest rate cut in June may be the last one, banking sector’s profitability may be negatively impacted. With 5 billion liras in profits in the first quarter, banks are expected to obtain less revenue from Treasury securities they hold in the second quarter.
ISTANBUL - Turkey's economy recorded its fastest pace of contraction in history in the first quarters of the year due to a slump in both domestic and foreign demand which pushed the country into its first recession after the crisis in 2001. (UPDATED)
The World Bank introduced its annual Global Development Finance report with short seminars in Ankara and Istanbul late in the week. I found the Istanbul leg a much more appeasing introduction than the markets’, when the growth revisions in the report led to sharp sell-offs amidst a mood of uncertainty on Monday.
PARIS - Global companies continue to post losses or diminished profits, but analysts at Citigroup say the world economy has effectively entered the ’twilight zone,’ in the sense that positive and negative data will go together for some period. ’We still do not expect corporate earnings cycle to bottom out for another year,’ they say
ISTANBUL - Tens of thousands marching in London to vent anger about bank bailouts, ahead of the upcoming Group of 20 nations’ summit, vividly displays why politicians have refrained from taking an aggressive approach to mending the financial system.
ISTANBUL - The global crisis, sparked by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market in the US, continues to wreak havoc around the world. As the countdown for the G20 summit in London begins, experts around the world share their views with Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review on the reasons behind the crisis and how it can be contained
TOKYO/ PARIS - Japan's central bank moved to pump money into the country's sclerotic economy yesterday, while European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said the ECB was ready to take additional measures in tackling global economic crisis, but suggested a recovery could be in sight.
ISTANBUL - The volume of net private capital inflows into emerging markets is estimated to be at $165 billion this year, as opposed to $929 billion in 2007. A recent report by the Institute of International Finance, or IIF, points to a hard year for emerging market economies, such as Turkey
BEIJING - The notion that Asia’s strong nations could be spared from the global crisis is buried to the ground, as data from China and Japan point to gloomy days ahead. China’s economic growth slows down to 6.8 percent in the last quarter of 2008, while Japan’s exports fall 35 percent in December
NEWYORK - The fallout from the ’Ponzi scheme’of Wall Street veteran Bernard Madoff continues to shake the world, in the midst of the financial crisis. From a pension fund in Connecticut to a charity in Massachussets, from Britain’s HSBC to France’s BNPParibas, investors lost billions of dollars
India was shaken by days-long, al-Qaeda-like terror attacks killing 172 and leaving hundreds injured in the country’s "economy and finance center" Mumbai. India is not an ordinary country. Together with China it has half of the world’s population, owns nuclear power; and with China again, India succeeded in awesome growth and made its mark as one of the super power candidates of the 21st century.
ISTANBUL - While Turkey’s November exports plummet 22.3 percent compared to same period last year, Deputy Prime Minister Nazım Ekren continues to reiterate that the global crisis will not have a major effect on Turkey. The crisis has peaked and now begins to descend, says prime minister