Mount and Blade 2, bir önceki versiyonuna oldukça benzer bir hile moduna sahiptir. İçten hileler kolay bir şekilde etkinleştirilebilir. Bununla beraber hileler kısayollardan değiştirilebilir. Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord hileleri ve Bannerlord hile kodları aktif etme, açma hakkında tüm detayları derledik.
E3 2018 için oyunseverlerin geri sayımı başladı. Her yıl yeni çıkan sistemler ve oyunların tanıtımının yapıldığı E3 2018 fuarı, bu yıl da birçok yeniliğe ev sahipliği yapacak. Yeni oyunlar ve konsolların tanıtılacağı E3 2018, Sony, EA Games, Ubisoft ve Microsoft gibi dünyaca ünlü firmalara ev sahipliği yapacak. Peki, E3 2018 ne zaman başlıyor? İşte, merak edilen fuar hakkında detaylı bilgiler
#E3 Fuarıİlk olarak iPhone için yapılan ücretsiz bir fotoğraf paylaşma ve düzenleme uygulaması olan Instagram, diğer işletim sistemleri ile de uyumlu olduktan sonra tüm dünyaya bir anda yayıldı. Instagram, kullanıcı sayısı açısından dünyanın en hızlı büyüyen sosyal ağlarından biri olduğunu da gösterdi. Geçtiğimiz yıllarda 300 milyon kullanıcı eşiğini geride bıraktığını duyurmuştu. Fotoğraflarınız daha çok kişiye ulaşması için ise bir çok etiket kullanılıyor. Peki, 'hashtag' olarak adlandırılan bu etiketlerden en popülerleri hangileridir?
#İnstagramISTANBUL - Istanbul tenth grader Sid Shekhar wraps up a global leadership week at Harvard University where he is taking a yearlong project to the next level: He hopes to contribute to a movement to abolish the caste system in India. If world citizenship is revealed through one's plans to help people who benefit the least from the globalization, then Shekhar is surely a leader among citizens.
BRUSSELS - Mahinur Özdemir becomes the youngest member of Brussels regional parliament after being elected by preferential votes even though she was 21st on the ballot. She is the only parliamentarian who wears a headscarf. ’The headscarf is my choice,’ Özdemir says
ALANYA - Long gone are the days when Alanya did not have a single movie theater of its own. Now this tourist town in the Western city of Antalya has its own documentary film festival, where movie enthusiasts can see real-life stories from all over the world. The eighth Alanya Documentary Film Festival starts today and will continue until Saturday
ISTANBUL - Roger Federer eagerly awaits the arrival of his first child, but the baby may intervene as the Swiss tennis star tries to equal and break Pete Sampras’s record of 14 Grand Slam titles. History shows that fathers have won only 10 of the last 115 Grand Slam titles and some fellow tennis stars suggest that it will be hard for him
Through the din of backslapping over Parliament’s decision to allow foreigners to adopt Turkish children -- coming from the supposed experts and politicians alike -- a voice of caution must be heard. Yes, it is preferable for a child to be raised in a family environment, domestic or foreign, than to remain in an under-funded institution; but we must not look to foreign couples as a solution to the issue of orphans in this country.
ISTANBUL - The OECD, which has been working for the effective management of water resources for the past two years, releases a report called ’Managing Water for All: An OECD Perspective in Pricing and Financing.’ It examines the costs of managing water resources, the need for an integrated approach and to establish development and implementation. The report focused also focuses on financial sources for investment in water
It's hard to overstate the challenge of keeping a restless 1.5 year old with labored breathing on a high hospital bed for 30+ hours. But Max Ali was a champ, or that is, the kind of champ that lands punch after punch in nurses’ faces. Reserving a right hook for the chief pediatrician, she and her stethoscope didn’t stand a chance. Our kid seems to know he was named for Mohammad Ali.