Wine amphora to be new symbol of Sinop

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Wine amphora to be new symbol of Sinop
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Kasım 14, 2008 00:00

SINOP - A six-meter-high amphora, a ceramic vase used by ancient Greeks and Romans, is to be erected at the port city of Sinop in the Black Sea region of Turkey.

Hikmet Tosun, general manager of Culture and Tourism in Sinop, said Sinop is the city of the amphora. "Which is why we are going to erect an amphora in Government Square as the symbol of our city," he said. The Sinop amphora was built by sculptor Aziz Kayadelen.

Tosun said they were erecting the sculpture to prove Sinop is the true city of the amphora. It was manufactured in Greek and Roman times for trade purposes, to carry wine and olive oil. "Our state has been a port city since ancient times, when amphorae were vessels used to transport liquid." Tosun said amphorae with angular bottoms were used for storing wine and those with round bottoms were for olive oil.

Back then, thousands of amphorae filled with olive oil and wine were transported by ship from Sinop to Yalta, another port city, located in today’s Ukraine, he said. Years ago, a large number of amphora ovens were discovered in archaeological excavations by the French at Demirci Village in Sinop’s Gerze County, Tosun said. "Sinop was a major city for amphora."
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