Who’s trying to fool whom?

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Who’s trying to fool whom
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Kasım 29, 2008 00:00

As the global markets continue to fall, the bubble has not deflated yet we are told, and the Ministers of Finance of the G-20 are supposed to be working on implementing the decisions of the G-20 summit, French President Nicolas Sarkozy did it again by convening another summit on Jan. 8 and 9 to bring together political leaders and thinkers to discuss globalization and the values of capitalism, if any remain.

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As the global markets continue to fall, the bubble has not deflated yet we are told, and the Ministers of Finance of the G-20 are supposed to be working on implementing the decisions of the G-20 summit, French President Nicolas Sarkozy did it again by convening another summit on Jan. 8 and 9 to bring together political leaders and thinkers to discuss globalization and the values of capitalism, if any remain.

The funny thing about this summit or conference, as the French call it, is that it will be co-hosted by the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. We thought that he had a full time job in dealing with the Middle East issue. Has it been solved? No. Is he working on it? Most likely no.

Perhaps it is about time that you humans restrict your expensive summits to the absolute minimum and start seriously dealing in your own countries on the issue of unemployment that is increasing everyday as industries have started firing employees by the thousands. And if you want a summit, do it from your offices with a teleconference, thus giving a good example of frugality in moments of financial woes.

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It will also allow Tony Blair to deal with the Middle East. And who knows, perhaps you may have results that way. But what "summiteering" politicians will not get, is publicity and media exposure to satisfy their overblown egos. So if Sarkozy wants that, let him have his summit. But humanity must know that the objective of the conference will not be to solve the global financial crisis.

By the way, you humans must do something urgent to combat piracy as it increases and creates problems to global maritime transportation. At the moment about 14 ships with more than 250 crew members are still under the control of pirates. At least 92 ships have been attacked around the Gulf of Aden this year, more than triple the numbers in 2007. An Indian naval vessel attacked and destroyed a pirate ship on Nov. 19.

NATO vessels that are patrolling the area have also prevented piracy on other vessels. Russia said it will send more naval vessels to the area. But what is really needed is a coordinated attack on the pirates to eliminate them so that maritime transport can once again be guaranteed. And please dear humans, do not evoke in us principles of international and humanitarian law, to justify your reluctance to attack pirate ships. The United States invaded and occupies a whole country in violation of international law, and you cannot attack a few pirates. Anyhow, our congratulations to the Indian Navy who showed the proper way to combat piracy.

We shall conclude with a funny story from Greece. A female member of parliament belonging to the opposition received a phone call on her mobile phone from a radio station asking her to comment on an ongoing scandal concerning property that the Greek government purchased from a monastery. As she started to comment, a thief stole her handbag and she started shouting on her phone, "Thieves, Robbers!" The listeners of the program thought that it was her comments. She had to apologize afterward. The moral of the story is never give an interview while walking on a street.

Ponder our thoughts dear humans for your benefit.

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