Oluşturulma Tarihi: Haziran 22, 2007 16:161dk okuma
A US Congressional report has just been released evaluating recent developments in Turkey, with particular attention given to this spring in Turkey and what the report calls one of the most serious political crises Turkey has experienced in its history.
According to the report, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan played an active role in contributing to the crisis, pointing to the AKP's failure to chose a presidential candidate that everyone was willing to compromise on, and the rush to alter the Turkish Constitution to bring about direct elections for the president. At the same time, the report acknowledges that the ruling Justice and Development (AKP) Party is the political party best able to reach out to the voter bedrock in the country, noting that one of the most significant failures of the AKP has been to treat Turkeys' Alevi and Kurdish minorities on a different level than the vast Sunni majority.
The report also touched on the main opposition Republican Peoples' (CHP) Party, referring to it as the party of the military and the bureaucracy. The report notes that both Deniz Baykal, the general leader of the CHP, and Erdogan, the AKP leader, are "autocratic" leaders.