US Ambassador Wilson: In Northern Iraq, Turkey simply protecting borders

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US Ambassador Wilson: In Northern Iraq, Turkey simply protecting borders
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 03, 2006 10:42

The US Ambassador to Ankara, Ross Wilson, when asked yesterday by a reporter whether or not he thought Turkish soldiers in Northern Iraq would be engaged in any sort of military operations, said "No, there is nothing new happening there outside of the already acknowledged Turkish military presence.

All Turkey is doing there is protecting its own borders." Wilson also denied that there had been a series of warnings from both Washington and Baghdad to Ankara that these forces should be withdrawn. Said Wilson, "Word of these warnings is not true. There has been no such request from either the US or Iraq."
US State Department spokesman McCormack differs in tone
In a statement which appeared to run at odds with the stance reflected by Ambassador Wilson's comments on the situation, US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack yesterday said: "This subject is part of our ongoing dialogue with the Turkish government. We call on all of Iraq's neighbors to respect the unity of Iraqi soil, and to, if there is a subject having to do with their shared borders, bring this topic up with the Baghdadi administration, working with them in a clear and transparent manner towards resolving whatever the matter is."
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