U.S. says 220 Taliban killed in Afghanistan

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U.S. says 220 Taliban killed in Afghanistan
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Eylül 01, 2008 13:17

U.S.-led coalition and Afghan troops killed more than 220 suspected Taliban militants in an operation in southern Afghanistan last week, the U.S. military said on Monday, the biggest recent toll of insurgent deaths.

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Several residents told a Reuters reporter by telephone that more than 70 civilians were killed in air strikes by foreign forces in the Sangin district of Helmand province.

"The operation is mostly wrapped up. The troops killed more than 220 militants," U.S. military spokesman Nathan Perry said. He said he was not aware of any civilian casualties.

Violence in Afghanistan has surged this year to its worst level, the bloodiest period since the Taliban's ouster in 2001, and tempers have been running high over rising civilian casualties.

The four-day operation in Helmand was launched after militants attacked a military convoy carrying equipment for a power-supply dam in the Kajaki area.

"Afghan National Security Forces and coalition forces were attacked repeatedly with small arms and heavy-weapons fire during multiple engagements," the U.S. military said in a statement.

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"The soldiers responded with small-arms fire, heavy-weapons and close air support, eliminating the militant threats."

There were no military casualties in the fighting in the area between Sangin and Kajaki districts, Perry said.

The Taliban were not immediately available for comment, making it difficult to assess how big a blow the deaths of the 220 fighters would be. In the past they have accused foreign forces of making exaggerated claims.

On Monday, hundreds of protesters blocked a road in Kabul accusing U.S.-led troops of killing three members of a family, including two children, in a raid earlier in the day.

NATO and U.S. military officials could not be reached for comment on the allegation, the latest in a string of incidents that have angered Afghans and caused a split between the Afghan government and foreign troops.

Residents said U.S.-led troops carried out a pre-dawn raid in Hud Kheil area in the eastern quarter of Kabul, killing a man identified by neighbors as Noorullah and two of his sons.

"It was past one o'clock when the troops came and surrounded our houses," said Sulaiman, a resident. "They threw hand grenades on one house and killed three family members," he said. Noorullah's wife was wounded, he said.

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Local television showed footage of bodies and a damaged house. "Are these two children al Qaeda?" an angry resident asked as the bodies were taken for burial.

Sulaiman said residents in the area don't expect anything from the government "because we don't have a government".

Several U.S. and NATO military bases are located in the area. Three people were taken away by the troops, residents said.

Angry demonstrators burnt tyres on the Kabul-Jalalabad highway which links Afghanistan with Pakistan.

President Hamid Karzai last week ordered a review of foreign troops in Afghanistan after his administration said 96 civilians were killed in an air raid by the U.S.-led coalition in western Herat. The U.S. military said it had targeted militants and that an investigation was being carried out.

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More than 500 civilians have been killed during operations by foreign and Afghan forces against the militants so far this year, according to the Afghan government and some aid groups.

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