U.S. more optimistic over Caspian gas via Turkey

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U.S. more optimistic over Caspian gas via Turkey
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Temmuz 11, 2008 17:211dk okuma

The meeting between Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and the United States special envoy for Eurasian energy on Caspian natural gas to be sent to Europe via Turkey brought the relations between two countries to a more optimistic point on Friday.

"We had a very positive meeting on energy matters with Mr. Erdogan. Our discussions focused on Caspian natural gas to be sent to Europe via Turkey. The possibility of the Nabucco project going over Turkey came up during our meeting... It was also a constructive meeting and I left… more optimistic than I was at the beginning," United States Special Envoy for Eurasian Energy, Boyden Gray said.


Erdogan's meeting with Gray took place at the Prime Ministry and was closed to the press.


"Lastly, I would like to add that Turkey and the United States are two strong strategic partners. The topic of energy is one area where strong partnership is displayed," Gray also said.


United States Special Envoy for Eurasian Energy, Boyden Gray, said Friday that "Turkey and the United States are two strong strategic partners in all fields."


Construction of the EU's 3,300-kilometre (2,050-mile) Nabucco pipeline, running from the Caspian Sea via Turkey and the Balkan states to Austria, is scheduled to begin in 2009, with completion expected in 2013.

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Photo: Hurriyet Archives


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