Turkish special rep. to Iraq brings documents showing "Barzani bribes" to the US

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Turkish special rep. to Iraq brings documents showing Barzani bribes to the US
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Nisan 11, 2007 14:231dk okuma

It has emerged that the Turkish Special Representative to Iraq, Oguz Celikkol, left for the US two days ago carrying important documents pertaining to actions taken by northern Iraqi leader Masud Barzani.

Acccording to Ankara sources, documents obtained by the Turkish intelligence forces show that Barzani, who is the leader Iraqi Kurdistan Democratic Party (IDKP) sent money in the amount of $500,000 to former Iraqi Justice Minister Hashim El Shebli. The documents carried by Celikkol appear to show that Barzani offered bribes to various Iraqi officials to oversee new laws offering compensation to ethnic Arab who would leave the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk. The ethnic composition of Kirkuk is a subject hotly contested by many factions both inside and outside of Iraq. The city currently has notable populations of Kurds, ethnic Arabs, and Turkmenis. Barzani has been quoted many times in recent days as stressing that Kirkuk is in fact a "Kurdish city."
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