Turkish film festival in Melbourne

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Turkish film festival in Melbourne
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Şubat 26, 2009 00:00

MELBOURNE - The Australian city of Melbourne will host the Turkish Film Festival from April 19 and 24. The festival will be organized by the Turkish Culture Ministry’s Cinema Department and the Antalya Foundation for Culture and Arts, or AKSAV, at the Australian Center for the Moving Image, or ACMI.

Eight films will be screened during the festival. Among these films are classical Turkish movies "Susuz Yaz" (Dry Summer), "Selvi Boylum Al Yazmalım" (The Girl With Red Scarf), and the new ones "Pandora’nın Kutusu" (Pandora’s Box), "Süt" (Milk), "Sonbahar" (Autumn) and "Dilber’in Sekiz Günü" (Dilber’s Eight Days) and "Isssız Adam" (The Isolated Man). Also, "Üç Maymun" (Three Monkeys) by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, who was awarded as best director at the Asia Pacific Film Awards, which has been organized in Queensland for three years.

"The aim of the festival is to draw Australians to ACMI and introduce Turkish films to them," said Nalan Cebeci, AKSAV consultant in Australia. "We need to fill the movie theaters."

She said she invited some award-winning Turkish artists and directors to the festival. "They are closely interested in the issue but some of them will not be able to come because they are filming a TV series," Cebeci said.

Importance of date

She said the date of the festival was very important to Turks and Australians. "The festival date coincides with April 23, the Turkish National Sovereignty and Children’s Day. The other day is April 25, one day before the Anzac ceremonies will start."

Enterprises sponsoring the closing ceremonies of the festival include the Australian-Turkish Business Council and the Australian Commonwealth Bank. Work continues for opening day, too.

The Australian Turkish Film Festival will be organized for the first time in 16 years and a project called "Filming in Turkey" will be promoted during the festival.
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