Turkey's ruling AKP rejects all claims in "Google case"

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Turkeys ruling AKP rejects all claims in Google case
OluÅŸturulma Tarihi: Haziran 17, 2008 09:58

The closure case filed against Turkey's ruling AKP was a "Google case", the AKP said in its case defense, claiming the top prosecutor collected evidence by doing a Google search. The Constitutional Court sent the AKP defense to the top prosecutor's office on Tuesday. (UPDATED)

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Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) also said there was no rightful reason in the closure case that would necessitate the sanctioning of the party, in its defense submitted to the Constitutional Court on Monday.            Â

"We have seen that all the data in the case opened against the AKP was interpreted "against freedom" by the Supreme Court Chief Prosecutor's Office," the AKP said in its defense.

"The fundamental principle of universal human rights law is to make interpretations in favor of freedom. The Chief Prosecutor's Office did not make interpretations in favor of freedom, but was involved in an effort to show things (which don't exist) as if they exist."

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"The AKP actually became the focal point of service to the nation, human rights, democracy, peace, friendship and tolerance. The six-year performance of the party proved that it is the guarantee of democratic, secular and social rule of law," the AKP defense said.

The defense said, "Some of the news reports which appeared in the media were distorted and added among the arguments."

Certain expressions and activities made by members of the party are being used as evidence as they were published in the media without having been supported by any further evidence, the AKP defense continued.

Any expressions or activities made prior to the establishment of the AKP can not be used against the party itself, said the AKP defense.

Attempts are being made to psychologically manipulate the Constitutional Court based on comments made by the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan years before the foundation of the AKP, the party’s defense also said.Â

The indictment is far from solid base in regard to President Abdullah Gul as he was elected president prior to the beginning of the closure case against the AKP with which Gul has no legal or de facto relationship after having been elected, said the AKP in its defense.

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A demand to close a political party based on the expression of ideas shows how much the democratic regime is in danger, said the defense.

The indictment is a sad example of attempts to undermine the political freedom of a party in a democratic regime, the defense document continued.

All of the expressions and activities mentioned in the indictment are actually expressions and activities that a democratic party, in full respect of human rights, should carry on, the AKP defense stated.

It is unacceptable to see the closure of a political party whose activities were in line with existing laws, said the defense file.

Our party is facing a closure case due to its support of a libertarian secular understanding, said the AKP defense.

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Had the ECHR's decisions been taken into consideration, such a closure case could not have been filed at the Constitutional Court, the AKP defense added.

It is impossible to think of a political party that was established to protect basic rights and freedoms as a threat to democracy, said the AKP in its defense.

The AKP has not been involved in any attempt to undermine the basic principles of the constitutional democratic order during its rule in power for the past six years, the defense said.

The AKP is not a continuation of any political party, the AKP said in its defense, and added that aside from published and announced programs, the AKP does not have any secret program or agenda.

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