Turkey counts on neighbor solidarity

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Turkey counts on neighbor solidarity
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 01, 2008 00:00

ANKARA - Turkey is turns to its neighbors as the country’s exports to European countries are hit by the economic global crisis and non globalized countries will be less affected by the global economic crisis, suggested a state minister.

Turkey can overcome the contraction in its exports to Europea by focusing on its neighbors as well as other countries nearby, said Kürşad Tüzmen. Turkey and China have already agreed on a new export deal with $261 million, he added.

"Turkey’s exports to China will surpass $1.5 billion this year, and I believe this figure will continue to increase in the upcoming years," he said. Some of the products included in the deal signed with China are hazelnuts, acrylic thread, olive oil, marble, wool, sunflower oil and iron products. Although Turkey’s exports to EU countries increased this year, the bloc’s share in Turkey’s exports declined due to the stagnation felt all around the world, Tüzmen said and added that the increase in EU countries’ export volume was much lower than that experienced in other countries. "This is a healthy situation in our perspective. We are breaking away from being attached to only one market and getting a chance to diversify our markets," said Tüzmen. "We will benefit much from our market diversity in this period."

"We at the State Planning Agency, Turkish Exporters’ Assembly and exporters are proactively working on the issue at hand. Everyone accepts the fact that the European countries have entered stagnation and their growth has declined. We foresaw this happening and began our studies at the beginning of the global crisis. The decline in our exports to EU countries is a result of those studies."

"We will focus on neighbors and other surrounding countries, because the impact of the crisis on non globalized markets will be much lower."

"This is a healthy situation in our perspective. We are breaking away from being attached to only one market and getting a chance to diversify," said Tüzmen. "We will benefit much from our market diversity."

"Everyone accepts that European countries have entered a period of stagnation. We foresaw this and began to work acccordingly. The decline in our exports to EU is a result of those studies."

"We will focus on neighbors and other surrounding countries, because the impact of the crisis on non-globalized markets will be much lower," said Tüzmen. "This is a big crisis. We certainly expect to be affected somehow. However, we will make an effort to ensure that the impact of the crisis will be at minimum."

Exports to China, India, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Gulf Countries, North Africa and Central Asian Turkic Republics will rise in the upcoming months, Tüzmen said.
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