TUIK figures reveal drops in hunger, poverty across Turkey

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TUIK figures reveal drops in hunger, poverty across Turkey
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 26, 2006 11:50

The Turkish Institute of Statistics (TUIK) has released its figures depicting poverty and hunger levels in Turkey for the year 2005. According to TUIK's "Results of the 2005 Poverty Project" report, there were 623,000 people in Turkey living beneath the hunger level, while 14,681,000 people in Turkey were beneath the poverty level in 2005.

Results from the same survey showed that in 2005, a family of four in Turkey making 190YTL would be on the hunger level, while a family of the same size making 487YTL would be on the poverty level. 
TUIK figures reveal a drop in both hunger and poverty levels in Turkey in comparison with previous years.
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