Thousands rush to Nature Park for Bayram

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Thousands rush to Nature Park for Bayram
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 13, 2008 00:00

İZMİR - Sasalı Natural Wildlife Park, one of the Europe’s largest natural wildlife parks, hosted a record number of visitors during the nine-day bayram holiday. According to the İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, an average of 40,000 people visited the park each day. Some visitors had to turn home without entering the park because of the traffic jams caused by the huge interest.

The park, opened by Republican People’s Party Leader Deniz Baykal, has become the most popular location for people from Izmir and nearby cities to visit. When the park opened, 60,000 people visited the park on the first day. The park, which was constructed by the metropolitan municipality, has become a favorite among children where they often see wild animals for the first time.

15,000 people daily
Manager of the park Çağlayan İnanlı said, "The park has capacity for 15,000 people on a daily basis. However, since the first day of bayram, there has been a huge interest in the park. Around 40,000 people visited the park per day."

İnanlı said, "If this interest continues, we are going to pass the annual visitor number of the closed zoo, which was 450,000 in three weeks."
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