This is Shame of AKP

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This is Shame of AKP
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 28, 2004 00:00

TUFAN TURENC“What happened to AKP which strived for adopting the law which was against secularism? Why did they become tongue-tied, as far as approving a declaration proposed by CHP is concerned, on condemning U.S. and Israeli administrations which inflicted torture on Iraqis and Palestinians?In the declaration, Bush and Sharon administrations were criticized harshly and called on to end   tortures to be ended immediately. The declaration said; “We expect a democratic and laic state order to be settled in Iraq upon the free will of the Iraqis.”“A democratic and laic state order” disturbed AKP. The Iraqis and Palestinians could not receive even a verbal support from the Parliament against the atrocities of Bush and Sharon. Turkey is a prestigious country which does not allow unfair treatment in its region. Turkey has suffered from terror for years and clarified many times that it ias against all kinds of terror. However the AKP group adopted a stance which did not suit the honorable history of Parliament by rejecting the declaration of CHP which condemned inhuman treatments.”
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