The conflict in Caucasia creates an opportunity for Northern Cyprus

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The conflict in Caucasia creates an opportunity for Northern Cyprus
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ağustos 27, 2008 09:31

The recent developments not only relaxed Russia but also forced its Kosovo policy into "deadlock". This situation has created a huge opportunity for Turkey in another conflicted region, Cyprus.

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Russia was alluding to "international law" and "the stability of borders" while countries including the United States, Turkey and France were recognizing the independence of Kosovo. However, it is now Moscow who defines the borders of Georgia, even resorting to the use of force.

This situation has created a huge opportunity for Turkey in another conflicted region, Cyprus.

Just a few months ago, the situation in Cyprus came to table while Kosovo's independency was being discussed. At that time the world was asked: "Why the same respect, which is being shown to Kosovo's choice for self-determination, is not being shown to Turks living in the north of the Cyprus, who have their own flag, lands, border and administration?"

It will be inevitable that  the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus issue would be sound more loudly with South Ossetia and Abkhazia's independency struggle, which was being whispered during the process of Kosovo’s independence.

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In short "the tension on our doorstep" brought an enormous risk to Turkey; Ankara was faced with a "major war risk" being sandwiched between its large neighbor, Moscow, with whom it wants good relations and the super power and "traditional ally" Washington.

On the other hand a new and likely advantageous opportunity has emerged for Turkey to solve the 40-year old Cyprus issue.

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