Talat: signing of the protocol will not damage TRNC

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Talat: signing of the protocol will not damage TRNC
OluÅŸturulma Tarihi: Haziran 04, 2005 00:00

President of The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Mehmet Ali Talat said on Friday as he was departing from Ankara's Esenboga Airport after two fruitful meetings over the Cyprus issue. Holding a news conference at the airport prior to his departure Talat said that Turkey's signing the additional protocol to extend the Customs Union to ten new EU-member states would not damage TRNC economically. President Talat was in Turkey for meetings in the run up to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's US trip early next week.'We had to hold this consultations for not to have any difference on policies regarding Cyprus issue. We keep consulting,'' Responding to a question over whether Turkey's signing would be a breaking point President Talat said."Turkey is going to sign the protocol. It is a nonsense to discuss this. Is it a breaking point? No. We have faced many breaking points in the Cyprus question so far. Unfortunately, the outcomes are always at our disadvantage. Since we are aware of likely dangers, we can prevent them. If Turkish air and sea ports are not opened to Greek Cypriot vessels and planes, Turkey's signing the protocol will not damage TRNC." Adding that, ''Turkish Foreign Minister & Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Gul's proposal about mutual removal of restrictions includes opening of ports and airports for free trade.'' TRNC president Talat also commented on the Greek Cypriots saying that Greek Cypriot leader Tassos Papadopoulos had not answered the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan over the Cyprus issue. Talat also said that he didnt' believe that Papadopoulos would be making any offer.Â
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