Syrian minister accuses U.S. of "terrorist aggression"

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Syrian minister accuses U.S. of terrorist aggression
OluÅŸturulma Tarihi: Ekim 27, 2008 10:13

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al Moualem accused the United States on Monday of carrying out a "terrorist aggression" on Syria after a deadly raid which Damascus said killed eight civilians.(UPDATED)

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"The Americans do it in the daylight, this means it is not a mistake, it’s by blunt determination. For that we consider this criminal and terrorist aggression," Moualem told a news conference in London.


He said Syria will ask the United States and Iraq for an investigation into the attack, which took place in the Albou Kamal area in eastern Syria on Sunday. Baghdad has said the strike targeted insurgents who attack Iraq.


Russia also accused the United States of fuelling dangerous tension in the Middle East on Monday after Syria said that U.S. helicopters had attacked a farm near the border with Iraq.


"Moscow has responded with great concern to what happened," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

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"We believe attacks that are worthy of condemnation should not be launched on the territory of sovereign states under the slogan of the fight against terrorism," he was quoted by Reuters as saying.Â


"It is obvious that such unilateral military actions have a sharply negative effect on the situation in the region, and widen the seat of dangerous armed tension."


The United States, which accuses Syria of failing to stem the flow of al Qaeda fighters and other insurgents into Iraq to attack U.S. forces, has neither confirmed nor denied the incident.


Syria said eight people were killed and accused the United States of committing a "terrible crime".


Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad visited Moscow in August and was among the first foreign leaders to back Russia's military intervention in Georgia, an operation Western states condemned as disproportionate.

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Russian media reports said Damascus was seeking to buy missile systems from Moscow.


Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman also condemned the U.S. military raid on Syrian territory close to the border with Iraq.


Hasan Qashqavi told reporters on Monday that a violation of the territorial integrity of any sovereign state is unacceptable.


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