Storm, torrential rains crush Antalya

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Storm, torrential rains crush Antalya
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ocak 30, 2009 00:00

ANTALYA - Storms and heavy rain have paralyzed daily life in Antalya in recent days and have resulted in the death of one local, who was swept from the coast by large waves into the sea.

The severe weather started late Tuesday evening and has been a nightmare for Antalya residents, particularly in coastal areas.

Large waves caused by storms pulled 26-year-old Özhan Öz, a local barman, who was walking along the shore in Konyaaltı with his friend Mutlu Taçbaş into the sea where he drowned. Despite Antalya Sea Police’s efforts to locate Öz, some locals discovered Öz’s body on the coast, a few hundred meters from where he was taken by waves. Police have launched an investigation into the matter.

Many houses have been flooded due to the heavy rain and a freighter trying to shelter in the port has been grounded. Trees toppled by heavy winds blowing at 103 kilometers per hour have congested traffic in the neighboring city of Konyaaltı.

Heavy rain also caused flooding in the streets and has resulted in many vehicles remaining at a stand-still. The Sarısu and Liman areas and Hacısekiler village have been especially affected by flooding. Electricity wires have fallen onto streets and some homes have remained in darkness for long periods. The fire brigade has been working to drain water from flooded homes and a road on the Akdeniz boulevard collapsed and has now been closed to traffic.

According to Antalya Regional Estimation Center, 270 millimeters of rain has fallen in recent days.
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