Special Prize for Turk film

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Special Prize for Turk film
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mart 18, 2009 00:00

ISTANBUL - Turkish director Necati Sönmez's documentary film "İbret Olsun Diye" (As a Warning to Others) has received the Jury Special Prize at the 7th International Human Rights Film Festival and Forum.

According to a written statement, among the jury members of the festival and forum, which was held March 6 to 15, were former United Nations Human Rights Commissioner Louise Arbour, journalist Florence Aubenas, who was kidnapped in Iraq in 2005, and Algerian writer Slimane Benassia.

In the festival, during which many events on human rights were held, Sönmez's documentary was favorite of the jury members. The statement said the documentary, which features the death penalty in Turkey, was deemed worthy of the prize for its artistic value and big struggle against death penalty.

The documentary, which earlier won three national and international awards, will represent Turkey at the Al Jazeera International Documentary Film Festival in the next month.
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