Source of Mardin weapons is unclear

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Source of Mardin weapons is unclear
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 15, 2009 00:00

ANKARA - An investigation into the 32 weapons used in the Mardin massacre has yet to be concluded, Interior Minister Beşir Atalay said yesterday.

Recent media reports have alleged that the investigation had discovered that six of the 32 weapons used in the attack belonged to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK.

"The news published in newspapers is false. I will announce the result as soon as the investigation comes to an end," Atalay said.

Source of weapons sparks debate
Masked gunmen attacked an engagement party near the southeastern city of Mardin last week and opened fire on the guests, killing 44 people.

The incidence of such violence sparked debate over the source of the weapons. Some claimed that the weapons belonged to village guards, who are supported by the state as part of the fight against the terrorist organization, while others pointed to the PKK as the supplier of the weapons. Atalay also did little to denounce other circulating speculation that Mahmut Yıldırım, one of the key suspects in the Susurluk scandal, was alive.

"I do not have any information on the issue," he said.

Illicit connections

The Susurluk scandal, which suggests connections between politicians, police and organized crime, surfaced after a car crash near Susurluk in Balıkesir province in 1996. The victims of the crash include a right-wing mafia leader, a police chief and a parliamentarian.

Yıldırım, whose code name is "Yeşil," was named one of the key figures in the scandal, but the police have so far been unable to locate him. As speculation about whether Yıldırım is alive continues, Yıldırım’s son recently published his father’s photos in a book.

The photos, where a newspaper from 2002 can be clearly seen, raised doubts about whether Yıldırım is dead of alive and his whereabouts. Atalay did not provide any firm date when the report can be expected.
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