Scottish tourists ’stranded’

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Scottish tourists ’stranded’
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Haziran 06, 2009 00:00

ISTANBUL - ScotTravel, a Scottish firm specializing in Turkey trips, declared bankruptcy Thursday, leaving nearly 1,500 tourists "stranded" at Turkish holiday destinations.

"The company was blaming its demise on the recession as holidaymakers spoke of their anger as they arrived at Glasgow airport to learn their flights had been cancelled," The Herald newspaper wrote on its Web site Friday. "Under the Air Travel Organizers License... holidaymakers will be provided with alternative flights home and are entitled to compensation."

According to the Herald, ScotTravel operated flights to Dalaman, Turkey, from Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen, as well as flights to Bodrum and Antalya from Glasgow. The Civil Aviation Authority in Britain advised tourists currently in Turkey to remain in their holiday accommodation and seek information from representatives and hoteliers at the resorts. Speaking to the BBC, Frances Tuke from the travel association ABTA said there are "roughly 1,500 [ScotTravel customers] in Turkey."

"The Civil Aviation Authority is busy...  making sure that they can continue with their holidays and will try and make sure that they return at a similar time as they were due to come back," Tuke said.

Serkan Aydın, the managing director of ScotTravel, said in an e-mail that "the combination of ... general financial difficulties and previous losses ... made it impossible for ScotTravel to survive."
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