Rivals discuss shaping new cabinet in Lebanon

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Rivals discuss shaping new cabinet in Lebanon
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Haziran 27, 2009 00:00

BEIRUT - The leader of the Western-backed alliance that won this month's Lebanese parliamentary election, Saad Hariri, has held talks with his defeated rival, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, on the makeup of a new government, an aide said on Friday. "The discussions focussed on the political situation ... following the elections," the rivals said in a joint statement following the Thursday night meeting.

Hariri and Nasrallah discussed "different options for a new government" and "agreed to continue their talks," said aids from both sides. The two leader also hailed the calm and diplomatic atmosphere reigning in the country and underlined the importance of dialogue, cooperation and dialogue.

The meeting was Hariri's first with Nasrallah since October. The aide declined for security reasons to say where the meeting was held.

Nasrallah has been Israel's most wanted man since the devastating 2006 war his Shiite militants fought with Israel. Hezbollah and its allies want a continuation of the government of national unity formed last year after deadly clashes between the rival blocs brought Lebanon to the brink of a new civil war. But Hariri's bloc insists it will only accept a unity government if the Hezbollah alliance surrenders the veto powers it enjoys in the outgoing cabinet. Later on Friday, President Michel Suleiman is due to begin talks with the rival blocs before naming a new prime minister.
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