Retail sales increase by 9 percent in May

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Retail sales increase by 9 percent in May
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Haziran 30, 2009 00:001dk okuma

ISTANBUL - Retail sales in Turkey increased by 9 percent in May compared to the previous month, according to the monthly AMPD Retail Index, prepared by Nielsen.

Organized retail turnover, on the other hand, saw a growth of 3 percent in the first five months, compared to the same period of 2008. Year-on-year growth in May last year stood at 13 percent compared to May 2007. This year, year-on-year revenue growth stood at 3 percent.

According to the three-month trade-service revenue index by the Turkish Statistical Institute, or TurkStat, overall retail revenue retreated 12 percent on an annual basis in the first quarter of the year. But in the same period, organized retail revenues rose 0.2 percent.

"Revenue in organized retail is less affected by the crisis compared to traditional retail, but compared to the previous year, there is an overall slowdown in revenues," a statement accompanying the index said.

Food retail revenue rose 8 percent in May compared to April, while readywear revenue rose 17 percent in the period.

Employment in the sector retreated 2 percent in May compared to April and 1 percent annually, the first drop in retail employment on an annual basis.
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