Report: trauma killed BBP leader

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Report: trauma killed BBP leader
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Nisan 28, 2009 00:00

ANKARA - The leader of Great Union Party Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu died of trauma following the crash of the helicopter, reveals the report of the Adana’s Çukurova University Forensic Medicine department. There are no findings that indicate that the pilot was poisoned, weakening speculation of assasination

The five victims of the helicopter crash last month, including Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu, the leader of Great Union Party, or BBP, died due to trauma in the crash, while journalist İsmail Güneş died due to freezing, stated the victims' autopsy report, announced the deputy leader of the party, Ahmet Şanverdi.

The report, prepared by Adana’s Çukurova University Forensic Medicine department does not include the time of death. There were no findings in the report proving that helicopter pilot Murat Kaya İstektepe was poisoned. And no alcohol or drugs were found in İstektepe’s blood, Şanverdi said. But the histopathology report indicated that İstektepe was a cardiac patient with a critical condition and he was not permitted to fly. İstektepe received his latest health report on June 28, according to the records of Civil Aviation General Directorate, said Şanverdi.

"Under the light of these developments our worries about the possibility that the pilot lost control of the helicopter are still ongoing," Şanverdi said, adding that on April 22 they requested the samples from İstektepe to be examined by international forensic authorities. "With our request, the samples will immediately be sent abroad for a second autopsy report," he said.

Memory card
Şanverdi said they believed the Transportation Ministry might take the memory card of the helicopter’s Global Positioning System, which was found by experts who were brought to Turkey by the BBP. "It is an urgent need to decipher the memory card, which would be like a black box, and the results should be given to us," he said. Information about the card was not in the ministry’s preliminary report, but it would take place in their main report, according to the information they took from the ministry, Şanverdi said.

The American Federal Aviation Chamber launched an urgent call to change some parts of Bell 206 model helicopters, which was the model of the helicopter carrying the victims, Şanverdi said, asking whether the Turkish Civil Aviation General Directorate did what was necessary or not.

Upon questions from reporters, Şanverdi said there was no disagreement within the party about the accident and that they would do what they needed to do without acting by speculations. "We are after all possibilities. We will go until the end," he said, adding that their only demand was to bring to light every detail of the issue. Meanwhile the extraordinary party assembly will gather in May 24.

On March 25, the helicopter carrying Yazıcıoğlu, four other party members and a journalist crashed in a mountainous area near the province of Kahramanmaraş. Yazıcıoğlu had left a rally for his party and was traveling to reach another one. The crash occurred just before the local elections on March 29. Güneş made an anguished phone call from the crash site shortly after the accident, saying he was wedged in the wreckage with a badly broken foot and was freezing. He said some of the other passengers appeared to be dead, and that his cell phone battery was running out.
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