Güncelleme Tarihi:
With the support of the women's centers, governorships and municipalities the uneducated women will be integrated into society and form a part of the production stage.
The women, who will develop their handicraft skills through the courses, are grateful for the opportunity to gain a profession. Next month they will finish their courses on hairdressing, computers, skin care, painting and cooking.
Additional service offered at the Womens’ Center
The project aims to teach women how to be self-sufficient. Consultant Dilan Taşdemir, responsible for jobs for the women, said various units would work on refugee women in Yenişehir district’s Sümer Park.
For the refugees to socially and economically integrate into society and become rehabilitated through the employment courses was a must because women are more sensitive about migrating according to her.
Taşdemir said the Women Center would offer the refugees legal advice, physiological support and family care.
"The second step after these courses would be teaching them how to read and write and improve their handicraft skills. Women who complete the cooking course successfully would be offered jobs in the center’s restaurant," Taşdemir said. The aim is to employ 400 women in one year. "We will open a hair saloon for women to practice and then earn money after they get their certificates," she said.
Within the project an employment bureau, which will have a data center, will be opened. For those looking for staff will be able to visit the center.