Records of Greek conference in Istanbul stolen from Taksim office

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Records of Greek conference in Istanbul stolen from Taksim office
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ağustos 25, 2006 10:54

All of the records from a Greek conference held by graduates from the Istanbul-based Zografayan High School have been reportedly stolen from the Taksim headquarters of the graduates' foundation. A hard disk that held all of the information in connection with the late June-early July conference held in Istanbul by the group was taken this week, according to the head of Greek foundation.

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The head of the Zografyan High School graduates group, Laki Vingas, noted that it was strange that the theft of the hard disk could have taken place in broad day light, from an office that faced the Greek consulate building in Taksim. He said "There was someone I noticed who had been filming the conference. I went over and asked him which television station he was from. He said he was working in an official capacity.....He also asked for a list of conference participants. I think his goal may have been, with this theft, to scare us."

The Greek conference was entitled "A meeting in Istanbul: Today-Tomorrow," and it elicited many protestors, with Greeks coming from all over the world to meet together in the city. Greek Fener Patriarch Bartholomeus gave the opening speech for the conference, following on which many of the problems faced by ethnically Greek residents of Istanbul were discussed by conference attendees.

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