’Protect our animals’

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’Protect our animals’
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Şubat 17, 2009 00:00

ANKARA - The Animals’ Rights Federation has sent a letter to deputies demanding more support for efforts to prevent the mistreatment of animals and prison terms for those who mistreat them.

Ahmet Kemal Şenpolat, president of the Animals’ Rights Federation, said in the letter signed by him that he believed it would be beneficial to pass laws that enabled those who mistreated animals to stand trial on criminal charges rather than misdemeanor charges. He wants immediate prison terms for those who torture animals and regulations to improve the conditions of strays.

Şenpolat said in our day and age the rights of animals should also be protected on par with humans. This is a practice adopted and being practiced in every civilized country.

Şenpolat pointed out that the law for the protection of animals, passed in 2004, was the first solid step for Turkey but he argued that the law has been encouraging massacres, bestiality, torture and the mistreatment of animals in general rather than affording them protection. A person mistreating animals being charged with misdememor rather than a criminal act is the first reason for that, according to Şenpolat.

Transcends politics

Şenpolat also said: "This move transcends political parties and beliefs; it is an arrangement that we believe anybody with the virtue of being human should support. Let this one be one of the laws we pass without pressure or advice from a foreign country or foreign civil society organization. Lets pass it using our country’s own dynamics." Şenpolat said he hoped this law would become the first animal rights’ law to be passed in the world through the consensus of a parliament.
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