Promise To Prince For Land For School

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Promise To Prince For Land For School
OluÅŸturulma Tarihi: Ekim 28, 2004 00:00

During his dinner with PM Tayyip Erdogan, Prince Charles of the United Kingdon asked him whether he could allocate land for the construction of a school. PM Erdogan accepted the offer immediately. Prince Charles who is known to be interested in architecture, told Erdogan that he will visit Mardin. Erdogan advised him to see the interior of the homes in this city, without informing the people beforehand. He also said "You can do this, by conveying my regards." During their talk, Erdogan also assured the Prince that Turkey's membership to EU will not pose problems feared by Europeans.Meanwhile The Daily Telegraph and The Times of Britain said that Prince Charles came to a brink of marrying the beautiful Turkish girl who served him coffee in Mardin. Berna Yagci, who served coffee to the Prince said, "He is as old as my father. These news are exaggeration. Â
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