President wins trust of angry lady

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President wins trust of angry lady
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Temmuz 06, 2009 00:00

İZMİR - An unemployed 32-year-old who chastised President Abdullah Gül in İzmir over the weekend, asking why he was being applauded in the street, was finally won over by Gül’s promise to help and his erquest for her resume.

Gül, who had gone to İzmir to pay a condolence visit to his uncle who had lost his wife, was received with applause from a crowd of 100 in the Yeşilyurt neighborhood. Suddenly a woman approached Gül and said: "I want to know what is happening in this country. I can’t understand why these people are clapping for you." The woman was then removed from Gül’s proximity by the president’s guards.

She was then approached by journalists and she explained the reason behind her statement.

Sinem Örsçek, from the Mediterranean province of Antalya, told journalists she was visiting a sick uncle in the neighborhood and then told her story. "After completing high school, I went to Ankara Hacettepe University to study statistics, graduating in 2000. I was the top of my class. I looked for a job for two years and no matter what I did, I couldn’t find one. I then thought I should get a post-graduate degree. I completed a master’s degree in industrial behavior at Istanbul University," she said.

Communication expert

"This made me an expert in business communication. I still couldn’t find a job. I entered 20 exams to become a university academic. I found two jobs. In 2007, I went to Manisa to work as a sales representative but soon lost my job when several people were let go due to the economic downturn. I then went to Ankara and soon was laid off for the same reason. Then I applied to Antalya Metropolitan Municipality for a project coordinator position. My application was rejected. I went to the employment agency to ask why I was refused and the official there looked at my resume and told me, ’You are over-educated.’ I felt like the world collapsed all around me."

She then approached Gül’s bodyguards to say she wanted to have a word with the president. As he was leaving the neighborhood, Örsçek approached him with her sick father to apologize. Speaking after the conversation, Ösrçek said: "My impulsive reaction was untimely and inappropriate. I realized this and wanted to apologize. He told me ’I know what it means to be unemployed in this country.’ He said he would help me."
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