Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 03, 2004 00:00
Deputy Prime Minister Abdullatif Sener said that they planned the income per capita in Turkey to be between 8000-8500
Euro in 2014 and 12000-14500 Euro in 2020. In a press conference, after the State Planning Organization (DPT) report entitled “The Possible Effects of Turkey’s Membership on EU”, Sener said that the national income of Turkey in 2004 had become 241 billion dollars and they planned to increase it to 8000-8500 Euro in 2014.According to the DPT report, Turkey’s population will be 85.4 million in 2020 and to 97.3 million in 2050, Population will begin falling after this year and be 83.3 million by 2070. The report also shows that everyone in Turkey will be literate by 2020 and the rate of those receiving vocational schools will be 50 %. This will be a big man power potential for EU.