One Ulusoy breaks silence

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One Ulusoy breaks silence
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 15, 2008 00:00

ISTANBUL - Not the global economic crisis, but a family dispute has brought "the end" to Ulusoy Holding, one of Turkey’s long-established firms with 71 years of history.

The companies operating under the roof of Ulusoy Holding were divided between two siblings Saffet and Yılmaz Ulusoy and their nephew Alican Ulusoy on Oct. 15. All family members had preferred to keep silent on the issue until Yılmaz Ulusoy spoke to weekly Turkish magazine Ekonomist.

"We failed to institutionalize, therefore we separated in a decent manner," Yılmaz Ulusoy told the magazine. "My father founded this holding from scratch. He wrote ’Ulusoy’ on his first bus in 1937. He was a pioneer."

"With 11 children, the family consists of 130 members. As the family enlarged in numbers, more problems occurred," said Ulusoy.

Although there were some problems before, the sale of UN Ro-Ro last year was the breaking point, Ulusoy said. "The process eroded the family."

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