Oktay Eksi: The current portrait in Turkey

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Oktay Eksi: The current portrait in Turkey
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Temmuz 11, 2008 11:21

One of us does the right thing, but it is controversial as to who is doing the right thing... I refer to those who label those they see as "coup planners" or "coup supporters" and those who are careful to not write on issues that are part of an ongoing judicial process, when I say, one of us.

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Let me say this at the outset;


Anyone, among the suspects in the Ergenekon" investigation, must certainly be punished if indeed they were planning to the overthrow a legitimate government. This is the central prerequisite for the continuation of democracy and the rule of law in this country, as well as the survival of Turkey as a member of the modern world.


In the 60 years of its history, you won’t find any words published in Hurriyet that conflict with this basic principle.

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This is why you will not see the publication of any details that could have any bearing on the outcome of the judicial process. Being respectful to judiciary necessitates this action.


Now, let's look at the current situation in this country...


Those who chide that others should "be ashamed", need take an impartial look into their past, and accept their past actions if they truly understand what it means to be ashamed.


During the 1980s military coup period, Hurriyet's journalists were articulating society’s expectations; while they, fearing a backlash from the military, were careful not to write any biting commentaries.


Perhaps they have now become aggressive in order to ensure that society forgets the recorded actions from their past. Taking refuge in the ruling Justice and Development Party's (AKP) power gained following the 2007 elections, they were able to continue with activities that they were previously unable to carry out.


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Remember... These individuals have been criticizing the "nation-state" in Turkey for a long time. They looked directly into our eyes and openly defended this thesis, which could only be defended by the enemies of this country and nation.


Today's governance in Turkey, which is closer to the concept of 'Muslim-community state" than "nation-state", has encouraged them and they evolved into "freedom supporters" when they united with the ruling authority. 


But they all understand this "liberality" as being the "wrecking contractors". And they proclaim war against the all values, institutions, and aims that have carried Turkey to where it is today.

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This is the reality that lies behind the campaigns being conducted to cripple the army and the judiciary.


They take advantage of the conditions and the issues of the day to open an investigation in an effort to suppress those who do not think or write in line with their ideals.


To those who attempt a new "McCarthy" campaign in the name of “freedom supporters”, we have just one simple thing to say.


You are not supporting freedom. You are a fascist who believes himself to be liberal, this is revealed in the pressure you attempt to place on the others.


If you were true supporters of freedom, the rule of law, and an independent and just judiciary, then you would always defend these principles, not only when you need them.

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