North Korea launches rocket, defies pressure

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North Korea launches rocket, defies pressure
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Nisan 06, 2009 00:00

SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea’s rocket launch unleashes a great controversy across the world with leaders evaluating the move as a threat to the security of nations which will pave the way for the isolation of the defiant nation. Barack Obama urges North Korea to refrain from further ’provocative’ action.

North Korea fired a rocket over Japan yesterday, defying Washington, Tokyo and others who suspect the launch was cover for a test of its long-range missile technology. President Barack Obama said the move threatens the security of nations "near and far."

Liftoff took place at 11:30 a.m. from the coastal Musudan-ri launch pad in northeastern North Korea, the South Korean and U.S. governments said. The multistage rocket hurtled toward the Pacific, reaching Japanese airspace within seven minutes, but no debris appeared to hit its territory, officials in Tokyo said.

Four hours after the launch, North Korea declared it a success. An experimental communications satellite reached outer space in just over nine minutes and is orbiting Earth, the state-run Korean Central News Agency said from Pyongyang.

"The satellite is transmitting the melodies of the immortal revolutionary paeans 'Song of Gen. Kim Il Sung' and 'Song of Gen. Kim Jong Il' as well as measurement data back to Earth," it said, referring to the country's late founder and his son, its current leader.

But the U.S. military said "no object entered orbit." North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command officials said in a statement that the first stage of the rocket fell into the waters between Korea and Japan, while the two other stages, and its payload, landed in the Pacific Ocean.

Act of defiance

The launch was a bold act of defiance against Obama, Japanese leader Taro Aso, Hu Jintao of China and others who pressed North Korea in the days leading up to liftoff to cancel a move they said would threaten peace and stability in Northeast Asia.

The U.N. Security Council approved an emergency session for yesterday afternoon in New York. "North Korea has ignored its international obligations, rejected unequivocal calls for restraint and further isolated itself from the community of nations," Obama said in Prague, urging the North to refrain from further "provocative" actions.

He said the move was a clear violation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1718, which prohibits North Korea from conducting ballistic missile-related activities of any kind, and demands an international response.

"North Korea broke the rules once more by testing a rocket that could be used for a long range missile," Obama said. "This provocation underscores the need for action - not just this afternoon at the U.N. Security Council, but in our determination to prevent the spread of these weapons."

In Tokyo, Aso said the launch was "an extremely provocative act that cannot be overlooked."

China, North Korea's biggest source of economic aid and diplomatic support, urged all sides to maintain calm and exercise restraint. It offered to play a "constructive role," though some say it could use its veto power to block a unified response to the launch at the Security Council.

Russia, which shares a border with North Korea, also called for calm. "We urge all states concerned to show restraint in judgments and action in the current situation, and to be guided by objective data on the nature of North Korea's launch," a Foreign Ministry statement said.

North Korea said the launch of the "Kwangmyongsong-2" satellite was a peaceful bid to develop its space program. But the U.S., South Korea, Japan and others suspect the launch was a guise for testing the regime's long-range missile technology - a step toward eventually mounting a nuclear weapon on a missile capable of reaching Alaska and beyond. They contend it violates Resolution 1718, part of efforts to force N. Korea to shelve its nuclear program.

The European Union also "strongly" condemned the launch.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he regretted North Korea's move "against strong international appeal" at a time when nuclear disarmament talks involving six nations remain stalled.
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