'None of EU member countries will suspend negotiations with Turkey because of Cyprus

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None of EU member countries will suspend negotiations with Turkey because of Cyprus
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 30, 2005 13:24

“None of the European Union (EU) member countries will and can't suspend negotiations with Turkey because of Cyprus,” said Professor Huseyin Bagci, a lecturer from the Middle East Technical University (METU) Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences Department of International Relations.

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In an exclusive interview with the A.A on Friday, Bagci said 2005 is an affirmation that Turkey is indispensable in terms of both regional and global policies.

Bagci said statesmen all over the world were willing to visit Turkey, indicating that, “let alone the statesmen, presidents of FBI and CIA and Israeli Chief of General Staff visited Turkey.”

Assessing the concerns that Austria, which will take over EU's rotating presidency from Britain on January 1st, 2006, may raise difficulties for Turkey during the negotiation process, Bagci said, ”Austria may raise difficulties in this process but finally will esteem the decision of EU member countries.”

“There is zero possibility of Austria's impeding Turkey's negotiation process with the EU. None of the EU countries will suspend negotiation with Turkey because of Cyprus as there are more serious problems than Cyprus like Syria, Iran, Iraq,” Bagci said.

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Bagci indicated that there may be clashes and tensions, “when we consider the real interests of Europe, I think that isolating Turkey would not be easy.”

Stating that he did not think the government would go to early polls, Bagci said, “as it was revealed with the recent TUSIAD (Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association) discussions, all the institutions and the government have started to pursue the policy of not  escalating the tension. We call it comfortable crisis management.”

“EU's progress reports on Turkey generally included criticisms in terms of politics,” Bagci said.

“Adjustment with Europe's regulations is inevitable for Turkey. However, issues like Cyprus, Armenian and Kurdish problems, Orhan Pamuk's trial and statements of Turkey-EU Joint Parliamentary Commission Co-President Joost Lagendijk, which we call as sensitive issues, will in the end be solved through political means. When we consider the past 20 years of Turkey and the tensions between Turkey and the EU caused by political differences, recent tensions have no meaning.”

Bagci underscored that issues like PKK, Kurdish problem and a possible Kurdish state in north of Iraq should be tackled separately.

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The METU Professor indicated that interests of the United States, Turkey, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Iraqi Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) leader Massoud Barzani marginalized terrorist PKK organization.

Stating that it should be understood that “Kurds are a factor in the Middle East,” Bagci indicated.

Evaluating the possibility of foundation of a Kurdish state in north of Iraq, Bagci said, “you have two alternatives for a formation out of the borders of Turkey. You either recognize it or not. Turkey would be in a position to recognize a probable Kurdish state in north of Iraq.”

Bagci emphasized that the states should continuously revise their national interests, stating that “friend-enemy” description is made again within this framework when something new erupts. “Now that a new situation erupted. If National Intelligence Organization (MIT) Undersecretary meets Barzani, then we should think about it.”

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“It is out of question to speak about a Kurdish state unless Iraq is split up, a civil war erupts, and unless the constitution prepared under the control of occupying forces envisages a division. Furthermore, both Barzani and Talabani stated that this may be delayed for 30 years,” Bagci remarked.

Bagci also indicated that Kurds in Turkey started to adopt the approach that, “also we, Kurds, should make changes. We don't want a separate state.”

Bagci said March 1st motion during the Iraq had wounded Turkish-U.S. relations, “yet both parties exerted efforts to overcome it. U.S. pursues 'forget about the past, look at the future' policy.”

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Bagci said the United States was trying to reach Iran and Syria through Turkey, adding that those two countries were in the target of U.S. but military intervention in those countries was not easy.

“There are no more men in the United States ready to die in the Middle East. However, there is nothing to be done if nuclear force is used,” Bagci said and pointed out that Turkey was trying to keep its relations in balance with Iran and Syria in line with its interests.

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