New case of insult ordered by Turkey

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New case of insult ordered by Turkey
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 22, 2005 10:071dk okuma

Following the case of Orhan Pamuk, another member of the publishing community is due to go on trial for insulting "Turkishness". The editor, Abdullah Yildiz, of Literatur publishers may face a prison sentence for publishing the besteller "The Witches of Smyrna" by Greek author Mara Meimaridi. The story tells of the last years of the Ottoman Empire, and is set in Izmir. The story describes some of the city's Turkish quarters as "dirty".

Haberin Devamı

According to source up to 60 Turkish reporters have gone on trial for charges of a similar manner.
Some 60 Turkish reporters and writers have gone on trial on similar charges.


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