Muslim states renew support to Arab peace drive with adverts in Turkey

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Muslim states renew support to Arab peace drive with adverts in Turkey
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 19, 2008 11:32

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and the Arab League reiterated Friday their support to an Arab initiative for peace, formulated at an Arab summit in Beirut in 2002, by publishing full-page ads in Turkey's Hurriyet daily.

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The Saudi-initiated plan offers Israel normal ties with Arab countries in return for the full withdrawal from all lands occupied in the 1967 Middle East war

The initiative is recently being pushed by Palestine with the support of other Arab states. The advertisement, framed with the flags of 57 Arab and Islamic countries, was also published in Israel’s daily Hebrew last month.Â

Israel, who rejected the Arab peace initiative in 2002, is split over the initiative these days.

Its political left regards the Saudi initiative as a serious offer and urges Israel to accept it as a "basis" for negotiations, while the country's political right calls it an Arab trap from which it must steer clear at all costs. Â

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