More libertarian with presence of students

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More libertarian with presence of students
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 03, 2008 00:00

ESKİŞEHİR - Most of the 3,500 attendees who participated in a survey in Eskişehir by Anatolian University, or AÜ, believe that the presence of university students provides the city a more tolerant and libertarian mood and contributes to the city being a more modern place.

The research, "The effects of Anatolian University on Eskişehir and the city’s perception of the university," started in 2007 and was completed recently. Among the attendees, 82 percent said they had no problem with students as neighbors. While 63 percent of the attendees believed the students’ presence raises the cost of living in the city, with 37 percent in disagreement.

Among participants, 93 percent said students enrich the city’s social life.Of the respondents, 85 percent said the students give the city a more tolerant and libertarian mood and 90 percent said they contribute to the city being a more modern place. Also, 91 percent said the students increase the quality of the city’s art and culture scene.

Meanwhile, 37 percent said the students are a bad influence on the local youth because of their long hair, makeup, revealing clothes and holding hands or acting intimate in public.

’Noisy, disrespectful and immoral’

Of those who said they were not comfortable with students as neighbors, 13 percent justified it by saying the students are noisy, disrespectful or immoral. Also among their reasons are the students’ nightlife, alcohol use and romantic relationships.

Asked if there was a disconnect between the city and the university, 65 percent disagreed, 17 percent agreed and the rest were indecisive.

On the question of attending cultural activities at AÜ, such as conferences, panels, interviews, theater plays or movie displays, 90 percent said they did not attend and 46 percent were not aware of these activities. Nınety-five percent said they did not visit AÜ museums.
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