Oluşturulma Tarihi: Şubat 20, 2006 10:34
A massive demonstration held yesterday in Istanbul's Caglayan Square attracted an estimated 50 thousand people who came together under a call for "Respect for Belief." The recent Danish caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed fueled the protest, which was sponsored by the religious Saadet Party.
A poster carrying this message for Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was typical of what could be seen yesterday at the Caglayan protest: "You say 'Lan' (Turkish pejorative) to the farmers, 'Selaam' (hello) to Rasmussen, 'Agam' (my master) to the US, and 'Pasham' (my sultan) to Israel." Leader of the Saadet Party, Recai Kutan, addressed the crowds gathered in Caglayan yesterday.
The Istanbul protest against the Danish caricatures was not the only one in Turkey yesterday. Around 15 thousand people came together in the city of Mersin to demonstrate against Denmark and the US, and call for respect to the Prophet Mohammed.