Latin American left in focus of director Oliver Stone

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Latin American left in focus of director Oliver Stone
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ocak 19, 2009 00:00

BUENOS AIRES - U.S. director Oliver Stone has been traveling across Latin America recently, interviewing leaders for a documentary on Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and the rise of the left in the region.

Stone was in Argentina last week for an interview with President Cristina Kirchner. Kirchner and Stone walked the garden of the presidential residence of Los Olivos, in Buenos Aires, and stopped to examine a black Cadillac convertible used by populist president Juan Domingo Peron and his famous wife Evita in the 1940s.

Kirchner, who spoke to Stone through a translator, said after the meeting that the U.S. director would seek in his documentary to show "what is happening in a world in which what seemed to be unchangeable universally-held truths just are not any more, and in fact they are being questioned."

’Everything Americans have been told are not true’
"I think that the most forceful thing that will happen to Americans when they see the film is that they are going to realize that everything they have been told is not true: that when people were telling them one thing about populist governments in Latin America, other, strictly market-minded people, were creating the disaster that the United States is going through today," said Kirchner, a populist Peronist.

Over the past week Stone has stopped in Venezuela for an interview with Chavez, in Cuba to interview President Raul Castro, in Bolivia to meet President Evo Morales, and in Paraguay to interview President Fernando Lugo.

Stone's latest movie was "W," his take on the life of President George W. Bush.

The director has won Oscars for his work in "Midnight Express" (1978), "Platoon" (1986) and "Born on the Fourth of July" (1989).
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