Indictment on Turkey's Ergenekon case to be submitted until weekend

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Indictment on Turkeys Ergenekon case to be submitted until weekend
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Temmuz 08, 2008 11:263dk okuma

Turkish prosecutors are expected to submit the indictment on the controversial Ergenekon case by end of the week, news agencies reported on Tuesday. The indictment is expected to be 2,500-page long and include allegations about 85 people with the claims of forming an illegal organization to provoke events which will pave the way for a military coup. The chief prosecutor appealed against the releases of nine people including Cumhuriyet daily journalist Mustafa Balbay, Dogan News Agency reported.(UPDATED)

Haberin Devamı

The indictment prepared for the ongoing Ergenekon operation consists of 40 chapters with a sum of 2,500 pages and will include allegations relating to 85 accused individuals, 48 of who have already been arrested and appeared before the public prosecutor on Friday, the Anatolian Agency reported on Tuesday.  �


The submission of the indictment will be made to the Istanbul's chief public prosecutor's office following to its upload process to the National Judiciary Network system.              �


Sixty pages of the indictment will focus on the armed attack at the Council of State in 2006 and includes accusations regarding the leader of Turkey's Worker's Party Dogu Perincek and Ret. Brigadier General Veli Kucuk, according to Anatolian Agency.      �


An additional indictment will be prepared for the recent detainees arrested during the latest operation including retired generals Hursit Tolon, Sener Eruygur, Aygun, as well as another seven arrested suspects, the report added.     �


The chief prosecutor, Zekeriya Oz, appealed on Tuesday against the releases of Balbay; Ilker Guven, a retired Admiral; Ufuk Buyukcelebi, the editor-in-chief of "Halka ve Olaylara Tercuman" newspaper; Tunc Akkoc of the Worker's Party (IP); Prof. Dr. Ercument Ovali; businessman Siyami Yalcin; TV correspondent Murat Avar; Hamza Demir and Neriman Aydin. �



GENERALS IN HIGH SECURITY PRISON                              �

Earlier on Tuesday Eruygur and Tolon, as well as the chairman of Trade Chamber of Ankara, Sinan Aygun, were transferred to a high-security prison in a northwestern province of Turkey from a prison in Istanbul where they were initially being held.   �


Eruygur, Tolon and Aygun were arrested as part of the Ergenekon operation for having suspected links to a gang that allegedly planned to provoke chaos around the country to pave the way for a military coup, and sent to Metris Prison in Istanbul.     �


The retired generals and the chairman of Trade Chamber of Ankara were transferred early on Tuıesday to Kandira Prison in Kocaeli, Dogan News Agency reported.


The three were transferred to F-type cells in the Kandira Prison, the agency added.   �


In the latest wave of the Ergenekon operation, which came on the same day the chief prosecutor presented his verbal arguments in the closure case against the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), 21 people were detained, including two retired generals, journalists and a prominent business leader.


Ten people were placed behind bars after a court formally ordered their arrest.


Before last week's detentions, police had arrested 49 people including Veli Kucuk, Dogu Perincek and businessman Kuddisi Okkir. Kuddisi Okkir was last week released from prison due to his ailing health and transferred to hospital, where he later died. 

The Ergenekon organization is accused of provoking events that would pave the way for a military coup to overthrow the AKP government, although the indictment in the case and the charges are yet to be clarified.

Analysts agree that the Ergenekon operation is a new stage in the "power struggle between the AKP and hard-line secularists".




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