Home cooking, sailing and some dervishes on green tour

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Home cooking, sailing and some dervishes on green tour
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mart 07, 2009 00:00

ISTANBUL - Beginning and ending in Istanbul, this small group adventure traverses the mysterious land of the Ottomans in low-key, low-impact style. En route from ancient Ephesus to the bizarre landscapes of Cappadocia, taste traditional Turkish fruit wines and admire the travertine soaking pools of Pammukkale. While there, join Mehmet and Ulmi in their home for a meal.

Haberin Devamı

In Bursa, relax in a traditional Turkish bath, drop into a local teahouse or explore the bazaar in the Ottoman Empire's former capital. Perhaps one of the most highly regarded aspects of this trip is a visit to an authentic Whirling Dervish lodge in Bursa where guests are able to witness the spiritual ritual of Sema and afterwards share tea and chat with the Dervish.

Discover ghost houses

In Kayakoy, discover the ghost houses or play backgammon and sip tea with the locals. Trek along rugged coastline to the beautiful blue lagoon in Oludeniz. Next, Kas is the starting point for a memorable cruise where you will swim in crystal waters, sail over an ancient sunken city and sleep under the stars. Back on land, spend the night in Uçağız, a traditional fishing village.

In Göreme, find kooky rock and cave formations of Cappadocia, which jut from the ground like the smokestacks of fairies. Guests also sit down for dinner in the home of a local family there.

With a maximum of 11 like-minded travelers and one group leader, itineraries allow for flexibility and plenty of privacy. This trip will appeal to travelers of all ages who enjoy meeting people from other parts of the world while exploring new places.

All accommodations are owned by local families. The guides take the time to inform our guests about the local customs, encouraging local interaction. For example, travel with locals on comfortable buses. Responsible Travel works with a local charity in Cappadocia to help low income families living in historic cave and traditional homes restore them in an authentic manner. It is possible to walk around the village and region to see the results.

From 1,290 TL (15 days) excluding flights, plus local payment TRY 750.

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Contact Responsible Travel +44 (0)1273 600030 or email Amelia at amelia@responsibletravel.com.

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